Tue 03 September 2013

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Tags MODIS python remote-sensing

This post introduces simple BRDF modelling (i.e. how can we account for the variation in surface reflectance due to acquisition geometry?) using some MODIS data. You can find the whole post in wakari. If you accept to not escape the HTML & JS, you will find a link to the data file there too.

A particularly simple way of dealing with BRDF effects is by using linear kernel models. These models are reduced physics versions of more complex radiative tranfer models with some empirical considerations to further simplify things. Since we are only interested in the shape of the BRDF, we can lump the parameters into some constants of limited physical explanatory value, and do a few simplifications so that we can write the the observed reflectance at band λi as:

ρλi(Ω, Omega’) = Nkerni = 1fiKi(Ω, Ω’), 

where we have Nkern kernels, typically 3, and the acquisition geometry is given by (Ω, Omega’) . The three kernels that are typically used are those that have been popularised by the MODIS albedo product (MCD43):

  • An isotropic kernel, (Kiso = 1 ), accounting for isotropic BRDF effects
  • A volumetric scattering kernel (Kvol ), a simplified version of volume scattering as seen in Ross (1981)
  • A geometric scattering that aims to mimick surface scattering and shadowing.

While different families of these kernels are used, we use the Ross-ThickLiSparse-Reciprocal kernels (these have been evaluated and found to be quite good).

The problem stated above cannot be solved on a daily basis (or whenever an observation becomes available): there are 3 parameters per band, and only one observation, so the system is underdetermined. If we assume that the parameters can be related to land surface parameters, and we assume that change is slow, a way around this is temporal compositing, where all the observations within a given period are inverted together. It is important to take uncertainty in the observations into account, as we don't measure ρλi , but rather ρ̂λi = ρλi + ϵλi , where ϵλi is additive noise, typically modelled as zero mean and with a known variance (see Roy et al for a table with typical values for MODIS).


The problem of inverting RT models (be they linear or not) is typically ill-posed. By contrast, a well-posed problem (in the Hadamard sense) is one where:

  1. A solution exists
  2. The solution is unique
  3. The solution's behavior hardly changes when there's a slight change in the initial condition

In this case, due to the uncertainty introduced by the noise (and limited angular sampling), point 2 is not typically met, resulting in many configurations of kernel weights that provide an adequate representation of the observations. Compositing is a good way of increasing the angular sampling and reducing the noise, but it can only be taken that far: too long a compositing window, and the assumption of static land surface properties weakens.

Reading the data

Let's look at some data. The data is stored in a text file, and belongs to a pixel somewhere in Angola. We only have band 2 data here. The first ten lines of the file show the format. The first line is a header, telling us that there are 92 observations, with 7 bands, as well as their centre wavelengths. After the first line, we have individual records with the following format:

  • day of year (DoY)
  • QA flag (1=use, 2=don't use)
  • vza, the view zenith angle (in degrees)
  • vaa, the view azimuth angle (in degrees)
  • sza, the solar/illumiation zenith angle (in degrees)
  • saa, the solar/illumiation azimuth angle (in degrees)
  • the reflectance

Typically, we will use sza, vza and raa. raa``=``vaa - saa.

First, we need to get the data. The next code snippet will provide you with a link to the datafile that you can download (hopefully) from wakari

!head -n 10 data.r2023.c87.dat
BRDF 92 7 648 858 470 555 1240 1640 2130
181 1 65.419998 -84.470001 44.130001 20.090000 0.114600 0.243200 0.052800 0.087100 0.328300 0.302300 0.213400
182 1 23.410000 98.290001 50.220001 35.310001 0.113900 0.218100 0.051100 0.084500 0.315900 0.339000 0.205500
184 1 44.049999 100.730003 51.910000 38.360001 0.142900 0.269100 0.063400 0.107500 0.359300 0.375000 0.246500
185 1 40.400002 -82.199997 46.310001 27.700001 0.107000 0.212100 0.051600 0.079900 0.310400 0.310400 0.214100
186 1 57.720001 101.300003 53.700001 41.259998 0.152700 0.291400 0.064600 0.114800 0.395000 0.382700 0.258700
187 1 17.770000 -81.010002 47.630001 31.260000 0.111000 0.217700 0.050500 0.081600 0.307600 0.318500 0.205500
188 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
189 1 10.470000 96.879997 49.090000 34.650002 0.117500 0.225000 0.054200 0.087700 0.334600 0.334300 0.231400
190 1 60.889999 -83.790001 44.070000 22.910000 0.100200 0.212100 0.045900 0.074100 0.296100 0.302100 0.188200

Let's read the data in and do some plots!

data = np.loadtxt ( "data.r2023.c87.dat", skiprows=1) # Read data in, but skip first line
doys = data[ :, 0]
qa = data [ :, 1 ]
vza = data [ :, 2 ]
sza = data [ :, 4 ]
raa = data [ :, 3 ] - data [ :, 5 ]
rho = data[:,7]
plt.plot ( doys[qa==1], rho[qa==1], 'o-')

The high frequency variation is quite high, and over a fairly short period, where we only expect a smooth variability of reflectance, we interpret it as BRDF effects. There's a big dip on DoY 228, due to a fire (there's a hotspot there too), and then we see recovery due to char & ash dissipation processes. Let's look at the angular signal up to DoY 228:

passer = np.logical_and ( qa==1, doys < 228 ) # Select obs before the fire
plt.plot ( vza[passer], rho[passer], 'o' )
plt.xlabel("VZA [deg]")

We see a large scatter in reflectance for larger values of VZA. Now, let's try to model this. We need to calculate the kernel weights for the Ross and Li-Thick kernels for each individual observation. We have a Python class that does that, kernels.py, which can be imported and used for this:

from kernels import Kernels # Import ther kernels
# Generate the kernels, only bother for obs where the QA is OK
K_obs =  Kernels( vza[qa==1], sza[qa==1], raa[qa==1], \
        LiType='Sparse', doIntegrals=False, \
        normalise=1, RecipFlag=True, RossHS=False, MODISSPARSE=True, \
        RossType='Thick' )
kern = np.ones (( np.sum(qa==1), 3 )) # Store the kernels in an array
kern[ :, 1 ] = K_obs.Ross
kern[ :, 2 ] = K_obs.Li

Now we can just solve our system. First with brute force: let's take 8 days worth of data, and invert the kernel weights to see what we get. This is a straightforward least linear squares problem, and we can use lstsq to solve it.

passer = np.logical_and ( qa==1, np.logical_and( doys > 200, doys <=209))
obs = rho[passer]
K = kern[ passer, :]
(f, rmse, rank, svals ) = np.linalg.lstsq( K, obs )
print "%-20s\t%20s" % ( "Kernel", "Value")
for i, k in enumerate( ["Isotropic", "Ross", "LiThick"] ):
    print "%-20s\t%20f" % ( k, f[i] )
Kernel                                 Value
Isotropic                           0.242057
Ross                               -0.065568
LiThick                             0.075140

So we have a solution. How good is it? Let's try to forward model the observations:

fwd = K.dot(f.T)
print "R2: %g" % np.corrcoef ( obs, fwd)[1,0]
plt.plot ( obs, fwd, 'sk')
plt.plot ( [0.2, 0.25], [0.2, 0.25], 'k--', lw=0.5)
plt.ylim(0.2, 0.25)
plt.xlim(0.2, 0.25)
R2: 0.445343

So, not a great fit! Maybe if we use a larger window? Let's create a function to the the above conveniently:

def invert_composite ( qa, doys, rho, kern, doy_min, doy_max ):
    """A function to invert reflectance assuming the kernels in `kern`,
    `qa` holds the QA data, `doys` the dates, and `rho` the actual
    observations. Will composite all observations between `doy_min` and
    passer = np.logical_and ( qa==1, np.logical_and( \
        doys > doy_min, doys <= doy_max))
    if np.sum(passer) < 3:
        raise np.linalg.LinAlgError
    obs = rho[passer]
    K = kern[ passer, :]
    (f, rmse, rank, svals ) = np.linalg.lstsq( K, obs )
    print "N. Obs: %d" % np.sum ( passer )
    print "%-20s\t%20s" % ( "Kernel", "Value")
    for i, k in enumerate( ["Isotropic", "Ross", "LiThick"] ):
        print "%-20s\t%20f" % ( k, f[i] )
    fwd = K.dot(f.T)
    print "R2: %g" % np.corrcoef ( obs, fwd)[1,0]
    plt.plot ( obs, fwd, 'sk')
    plt.plot ( [0.18, 0.3], [0.18, 0.3], 'k--', lw=0.5)
    plt.ylim(0.18, 0.3)
    plt.xlim(0.18, 0.3)
    return obs, fwd, passer, f, rmse
retval = invert_composite ( qa, doys, rho, kern, 200, 210 )
plt.title("Compositing between DoYs 200-210")
N. Obs: 9
Kernel                                 Value
Isotropic                           0.235238
Ross                               -0.033419
LiThick                             0.054909
R2: 0.386086
retval = invert_composite ( qa, doys, rho, kern, 180, 227 )
plt.title("Compositing between DoYs 200-227")
N. Obs: 41
Kernel                                 Value
Isotropic                           0.231309
Ross                                0.009338
LiThick                             0.000748
R2: 0.05195

Clearly, this window is too big: changes are happening. Also note the difference of adding just 1 observation to the 10 day period: the parameters change perceivably, the sign of ill-posedness. Let's see how the compositing period affects the estimate: we'll try to invert the pre-fire observations using a 16 and an 8 day compositing period:

retvals = []
for period in xrange ( (227-180)/16 + 1 ):
    doy_min = 180 + 16*period
    doy_max = 180 + 16*(period+1)
    if doy_max > 227:
        doy_max = 227
    plt.subplot ( 1, 3, period + 1 )
    print "=============================================================="
    print "DoY Min: %d" % doy_min
    print "DoY Max: %d" % doy_max
        retvals.append ( invert_composite ( qa, doys, rho, kern, \
            doy_min, doy_max) )
    except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
        print "Not enough obs!"
    plt.title("Compositing %d-%d" % \
        ( doy_min, doy_max) )
DoY Min: 180
DoY Max: 196
N. Obs: 14
Kernel                                 Value
Isotropic                           0.238851
Ross                               -0.006477
LiThick                             0.009853
R2: 0.100897
DoY Min: 196
DoY Max: 212
N. Obs: 15
Kernel                                 Value
Isotropic                           0.216249
Ross                                0.066691
LiThick                            -0.059062
R2: 0.521575
DoY Min: 212
DoY Max: 227
N. Obs: 12
Kernel                                 Value
Isotropic                           0.243611
Ross                               -0.062851
LiThick                             0.063866
R2: 0.646983
retvals = []
for period in xrange ( (227-180)/8 + 1 ):
    doy_min = 180 + 8*period
    doy_max = 180 + 8*(period+1)
    if doy_max > 227:
        doy_max = 227
    plt.subplot ( 2, 3, period + 1 )
    print "=============================================================="
    print "DoY Min: %d" % doy_min
    print "DoY Max: %d" % doy_max
        retvals.append ( invert_composite ( qa, doys, rho, kern, \
            doy_min, doy_max) )
    except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
        print "Not enough obs!"
    plt.title("Compositing %d-%d" % \
        ( doy_min, doy_max) )
DoY Min: 180
DoY Max: 188
N. Obs: 6
Kernel                                 Value
Isotropic                           0.215737
Ross                                0.217461
LiThick                             0.004699
R2: 0.960286
DoY Min: 188
DoY Max: 196
N. Obs: 8
Kernel                                 Value
Isotropic                           0.256502
Ross                               -0.148200
LiThick                             0.022454
R2: 0.641367
DoY Min: 196
DoY Max: 204
N. Obs: 7
Kernel                                 Value
Isotropic                           0.222352
Ross                               -0.073762
LiThick                            -0.074442
R2: 0.825704
DoY Min: 204
DoY Max: 212
N. Obs: 8
Kernel                                 Value
Isotropic                           0.211300
Ross                                0.154030
LiThick                            -0.051295
R2: 0.833228
DoY Min: 212
DoY Max: 220
N. Obs: 7
Kernel                                 Value
Isotropic                           0.241598
Ross                                0.021193
LiThick                             0.066551
R2: 0.838989
DoY Min: 220
DoY Max: 227
N. Obs: 5
Kernel                                 Value
Isotropic                           0.247820
Ross                               -0.146072
LiThick                             0.076207
R2: 0.74752

We see that the kernel weights change substantially from one period to the next. The 16 day window seems quite poor, whereas the 8 day one is remarkably better. This means that fast changes are occurring in the ground, and the 8 day window is more appropriate.We can see how this works in time

for period in xrange ( (227-180)/8 + 1 ):

    plt.plot( doys[retvals[period][2]], retvals[period][0], 'sk')
    plt.plot( doys[retvals[period][2]], retvals[period][1], '-', lw=1.8)
    plt.ylim(0.18, 0.3)

Stuff missing

  • Uncertainty


Schaaf, C. B., F. Gao, A. H. Strahler, W. Lucht, X. Li, T. Tsang, N. C. Strugnell, X. Zhang, Y. Jin, J.-P. Muller, P. Lewis, M. Barnsley, P. Hobson, M. Disney, G. Roberts, M. Dunderdale, C. Doll, R. d Entremont, B. Hu, S. Liang, and J. L. Privette, First Operational BRDF, Albedo and Nadir Reflectance Products from MODIS, Remote Sens. Environ., 83, 135-148, 2002.

Lucht, W., C.B. Schaaf, and A.H. Strahler. An Algorithm for the retrieval of albedo from space using semiempirical BRDF models, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 38, 977-998, 2000.

Wanner, W., A.H. Strahler, B. Hu, P. Lewis, J.-P Muller, X. Li, C. Schaaf, and M.J. Barnsley, Global retrieval of bidirectional reflectance and albedo over land from EOS MODIS and MISR data: Theory and algorithm, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 17143-17161, 1997.


Thu 04 October 2012

Filed under Blog

Tags GDAL remote sensing python tips

Quite often, one wants to generate some data at high resolution (say process some image or images) and then calculate some relevant spatial statistics at some other resolution. For example, you might want to process Landsat TM data at 30m resolution, and might want to aggregate it to a resolution ...

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Wed 15 August 2012

Filed under Blog

Tags python GDAL remote sensing tips

Supervised classification of EO data uses a set of samples from known patterns (usually reflectance spectra) to decide whether a given pattern belongs to one class or another. In landcover applications, one goes to the field, and observes that a given location is indeed class $\omega_c$. These ground observations usually ...

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Thu 02 August 2012

Filed under Blog

Tags GDAL remote sensing tips

Usually, we remote sensing types ignore country boundaries: they don't really make much sense, as they are not aligned with MODIS pixels ;-) However, I was asked what's the easiest way to produce a global mask of countries, so that all th grid cells (say at 0.5 degree ...

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Mon 23 July 2012

Filed under Blog

Tags GDAL remote sensing tips python

In a previous post, I demonstrated how to stitch and put together a number of MODIS data files. This is useful and interesting, but in the end, we are interested in analysing the data we get out of the satellite. One first way around this might be to extract time ...

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